Parametric Camp Paris
During my stay in Paris, France, I got the chance to take part at the “ParametricCamp” Tour! Furthermore I won a scholarship for the Camp! The task for the scholarship was to Design a 1920×1080 pixel image where I should express why do I want to come to the ParametricCamp. So what is this all about?! The ParametricCamp is a five-day intensive workshop whose aim is to give participants a deep insight into a new way of designing: the parametric thinking.
My contribution:
Design: Unreal!?
The idea of the illustration got his origin in Paris, France, where I was on exchange at “Ecole Nationale Superieure d’Architecture Paris La Villette” (ENSAPLV). During that time, I visited many places and took a lot of photos all over the city. I was impressed by the amount of old and new buildings, coexisting, in our time. Paris is a city with many faces. On the one hand, it is really colorful, especially during rainy nights, when lights start reflecting and sparkling on the wet streets. On the other hand it is colorless, dirty and sad. You can also say it is like in a theater, the streets are the stages. Many people cross the streets, habitants and also a lot of tourists. The people use the streets to show who they are or what they might be. In some districts is such an enormous anonymity and silence, in other districts is the pure booming life. Richness and poverty live side by side. It is a bit like the beautiful buildings facades, behind the facades everything is made out of brick, steel, concrete or all together. While this material looks also nice in their pure appearance, they got covered with other materials. It often felt like living in a surreal environment.
But all places have something in common: Graffiti. In France like all over the world Graffiti is an important form of expression for the youth. It is commonly used to show your own expression, it is both a kind of vandalism and self‐expression but in the same way a kind of protest. For a variety of reasons I felt like I should try making a graffiti on my own, to express, how I felt while living in Paris. I toyed with the idea of what is behind the color, the surface. Is it really brick, stone, concrete or anything else? Isn’t it more the intention of the artist? The thoughts and skills which build a slight film between the color and the surface or even more something that already exists and only need to be revealed by someone.